25 October 2012

Acceptable to Christ? NO - Acceptable to the Government

"Apart from administrative matters, to have a sound faith and financial base is key to church growth."

David Lin, Chair of the Lutheran Church in Great Britain.
The Forum, Winter/Epiphany 2012 ISSUE 11

The Priorities and Values of the Lutheran Church in Great Britain.

1. Administrative Matters.
2. Sound Faith
3. Financial Base

Reflecting on the most important work of 2011, David Lin wrote:

"Most significantly, I think, is the congregations' steadily growing compliance of the rules and regulations of the Charity Commission in England and Wales (CC) and Companies House (CH). Our commitment for compliance means that LCiGB will be able to build on a solid ground of structure and enable us to grow in its ministries with an appropriate framework that is acceptable by the government."

The Lutheran Church in Great Britain is built on the "solid ground of structure...acceptable by the government."

Not the solid ground of Christ.
Not the solid ground of Faith.
Not the solid ground of the Word of God.
Not the solid ground of the Bible.
Not the solid ground of the Lutheran Confessions.
Not the solid ground of God.

No, the Lutheran Church in Great Britain is built on the solid ground of administrative matters acceptable to the governments of England and Whales.

Maybe the Lutheran Church in Great Britain needs to consider a new name: The Formerly Lutheran Church Acceptable to the Governments of England and Whales (the FLCAttGEaW).

Is it any wonder the Bishop, Dean, Treasurer and Chair spend thousands of pounds on legal fees punishing pastors and congregations? 

What would Bishop Jana Jeruma-Grinberga or Dean Tom Bruch say?