14 November 2012

One Step Closer

The Lutheran Church in Great Britain is assigning an Anglican Priest as Pastor of a significant Lutheran Church.

The vision of the Dean and Bishop to remold the Lutheran Church in Great Britain into Church of England is moving forward. Under the Bishop and Dean:

1. The polity of the Lutheran Church in Great Britain has completely changed. The Synod and members of the Lutheran Church in Great Britain have been removed from the decision making process. The Bishop, Dean and Trustees now make all decisions except approving an auditor and electing Trustees.

2. The Bishop and Dean of the Lutheran Church in Great Britain have pressurised the congregations to abandon the Constitutions which ensured congregational polity and were faithful to the Lutheran Confessions and Historic Practice, to become companies and adopt provided Articles and Memorandums which have removed the congregation members from the decision making process and forced the congregations to submit to the Bishop and Trustees of the the LCiGB. The LCiGB has done this with offers of money (grants funded by the Lutheran Council of Great Britain) and threats of legal action.

3. Now the Bishop and Dean are appointing Anglican Priests without the consent of the congregation members to serve congregations. There are no agreements that these Anglican Priests will follow Lutheran worship practices or preach in accordance with the Lutheran Confessions.

Soon, the Bishop and Dean will be calling for the Lutheran Church in Great Britain to become a part of the Church of England.

This is insulting to the faithful Lutherans in the UK. Lutherans who have faithfully kept the confessions and worshiped in small groups around the UK. Faith Lutherans who have sacrificed because they are Lutheran and believe that God desires a Lutheran community in the UK.

Many Lutherans in the UK will travel fifty miles, passing literally dozens and dozens of Church of England churches to attend a Lutheran Church. Why? Because they are Lutheran! Faithful Lutherans! Lutherans do not think Anglicans are "wrong" but Anglicans are not Lutherans!

Why would any Lutheran travel 50 miles, even a mile to attend services led by an Anglican Priest. Ever residence in England is part of a Church of England parish.

The Bishop and Dean are dishonoring the sacrifice and faithfulness of generations of Lutherans in the UK and the Lutherans who died for their faith in this great country.