Have you ever noticed the Lutheran Church in Great Britain's website address? If you have not, the address is www.lutheranchurch.co.uk
Unlike most Christian Churches and Charities, the Lutheran Church in Great Britain chooses to use .co.uk for its website. Most Christian Churches and Charities use .org or .org.uk. The .org is the official URL for charities. The .co and .com are the URL tags for Corporations or Companies. The UK, of course, indicates the United Kingdom.
Why is this important? The Lutheran Church in Great Britain became a company shortly after the election of the current Bishop and Dean. The LCiGB website states on the home page: The Lutheran Church in Great Britain Limited is a company registered in England and Wales, registered number 7034897.
The Dean and Bishop used misinformation to convince the Synod that the ONLY way that the LCiGB could be legal was to become a company. If one does any research on the Charity Commission website it is clear that a church DOES NOT have to be a corporation.
So why did the Dean and Bishop insist that becoming a corporation was the ONLY way forward? The company structure removes the power of pastors and congregational delegates to manage the Church. Now the only power that the Synod (pastors and congregational delegates) have is is to elect Trustees (who can only be approved for election by the current Trustees) and approve the total budget expenditure but not the specifics of the budget.
Now the Trustees (who are the Dean, the Dean's wife, the Bishop and the hand picked rubber stamp Trustees - including one Trustee who is not even a member of the LCiGB) decide who is or isn't a pastor. The Trustees make all theological decisions. The Trustees can remove congregations. The Trustees spend funds any way they choose. JUST LIKE THE BOARD OF A CORPORATION without the accountability of shareholders. The LCiGB has adopted an organisational structure unlike any other Lutheran Church and contrary to the Lutheran Confessions, practice and history.
The Bishop, the Dean and the Dean's wife believe they are the only people who know how to run a church and make decisions. Everyone else is deemed "unprofessional" or "misinformed". The Bishop and Dean have no business / accounting / legal training or degrees. The Dean and his wife control the funds and policy by using technical words and condescending to anyone who dares question them.
Unlike most Christian Churches and Charities, the Lutheran Church in Great Britain chooses to use .co.uk for its website. Most Christian Churches and Charities use .org or .org.uk. The .org is the official URL for charities. The .co and .com are the URL tags for Corporations or Companies. The UK, of course, indicates the United Kingdom.
Why is this important? The Lutheran Church in Great Britain became a company shortly after the election of the current Bishop and Dean. The LCiGB website states on the home page: The Lutheran Church in Great Britain Limited is a company registered in England and Wales, registered number 7034897.
The Dean and Bishop used misinformation to convince the Synod that the ONLY way that the LCiGB could be legal was to become a company. If one does any research on the Charity Commission website it is clear that a church DOES NOT have to be a corporation.
So why did the Dean and Bishop insist that becoming a corporation was the ONLY way forward? The company structure removes the power of pastors and congregational delegates to manage the Church. Now the only power that the Synod (pastors and congregational delegates) have is is to elect Trustees (who can only be approved for election by the current Trustees) and approve the total budget expenditure but not the specifics of the budget.
Now the Trustees (who are the Dean, the Dean's wife, the Bishop and the hand picked rubber stamp Trustees - including one Trustee who is not even a member of the LCiGB) decide who is or isn't a pastor. The Trustees make all theological decisions. The Trustees can remove congregations. The Trustees spend funds any way they choose. JUST LIKE THE BOARD OF A CORPORATION without the accountability of shareholders. The LCiGB has adopted an organisational structure unlike any other Lutheran Church and contrary to the Lutheran Confessions, practice and history.
The Bishop, the Dean and the Dean's wife believe they are the only people who know how to run a church and make decisions. Everyone else is deemed "unprofessional" or "misinformed". The Bishop and Dean have no business / accounting / legal training or degrees. The Dean and his wife control the funds and policy by using technical words and condescending to anyone who dares question them.