St Anne's Lutheran Church recently shared the news:
"New constitution
At the ECM last Sunday a unanimous decision was made to adopt the Memorandum and Articles, the Constitution, as drafted by the LCIGB and approved by your council. An amendment was proposed regarding our name. The vote decided our official name as the one in current use: St. Anne's Lutheran Church.
There will be a second ECM after a month has passed to vote again on adopting the Constitution, members will be notified of the date."
Please note:
• There is no mention of how few people attended the meeting.
• There is no mention that the Dean, Treasurer, Bishop and Bishop's family are all members of St Anne's and even if they do not attend regularly - they alone make a quorate under the current constitution.
• Unanimous does not report abstentions.
• During the Bishop's time as Pastor of St Anne's Lutheran Church membership records were not kept, there was no membership list and most members of St Anne's Lutheran Church have effectively been removed from the membership by the current leadership by demand of the Lutheran Church in Great Britain who has insisted a "new" membership list be created.
• The new Memorandum and Articles creates Trustees who will now control all aspects of congregational life including the employment of the pastors and doctrine.
• The new Memorandum and Articles places the congregation under the control of the Trustees of the Lutheran Church in Great Britain, ignore the history and practice of the congregation and directly contradict the Lutheran Confessions.
The greatest irony is that the news was shared with this quote:
'I cannot and will not recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. Here I stand, I can do no other, so help me God. Amen' (Martin Luther)
Too bad all the people with conscious captive to the Word of God, like Martin Luther, have been forced out of the congregation by the Bishop and Dean of the Lutheran Church in Great Britain!
St Anne's is now only a Lutheran Church by name. It makes many of us weep.