Dear Interim Bishop,
Please be careful. Two of the Trustees of the LCiGB have been waging a campaign to take over the LCiGB. They show no mercy and have no hesitation crushing anyone who challenges them. They are crafty. They always convince people that they are the experts and know everything about finance, employment law, charity law and how to properly run an organisation. They insisted that the previous could not chose her assistant on her own but chaired the search committee. They made sure that the previous Bishop sign all the papers to attack pastors and congregations. They carefully craft letters so that they are "writing on behalf of" the chair or Bishop. They never take responsibility for their actions and plans, they get other people to do the deeds so they can't be held liable or legally responsible.
Bishop J did their bidding despite the damage it did to her reputation, to her family, to her friends, and to the church.
If you want to make them angry, just point out that the Charity Commission advises that husbands and wives should NOT be Trustees on the same board. That is the one rule from the Charity Commission they will even deny exists. Why? They control the money and the Rules and Regulations - that's complete power and control.
They even control who audits the books. Who knows if those audits are true? What have they hidden? What money has not been sent to the people it was intended for? We will never know as long as they have all the power.
For the sake of the people in your care, remove them from power before it is too late.
By the way, one of them loves to do a mocking impression of you.