03 April 2015

The Right Reverend Thomas (Tom) Bruch

Thomas (Tom) Bruch

International Lutheran Student Centre, Londonhttp://www.ilscentre.org.uk/Lutheran Church in Great Britainhttp://lutheranchurch.co.uk/Website still features Pictures of Pastors that are no longer part of the Lutheran Church in Great BritainFORMER Lutheran Church - Missouri Synodhttp://www.lcms.org/  http://www.porvoocommunion.org  Porvoo Churches website  http://www.cofe.anglican.org/info/ccu/europe/ecumbackground/reuilly_factsheet.rtf   Information about the Reuilly Common Statement  http://www.lutheranworld.org  Lutheran World Federation website carries news of ongoing ecumenical dialogues  http://www.elca.org/ecumenical/fullcommunion/episcopal/ccmresources/text.html    Evangelical Lutheran Church of America website showing official text of ‘Called to    Common Mission' with links to other Lutheran ecumenical relationships and to the    Episcopal Church of the USA website  http://www.elcic.ca/docs/waterloo.html    Evangelical Lutheran Church In Canada website giving text of Waterloo Declaration   ‘Called to Full Communion'  http://www.anglicancommunion.org   Anglican Communion website  http://www.cofe.anglican.org/info/ccu/   Council for Christian Unity serving the Church of England's ecumenical and  inter-  church relationships  http://lutheran.org.uk/default.htm   Lutheran Council of Great Britain website