Examples of bullying behaviour
This list of behaviours is not exhaustive but gives a clear indication of the sorts of actions that constitute bullying or harassment
This list of behaviours is not exhaustive but gives a clear indication of the sorts of actions that constitute bullying or harassment
removing areas of responsibility without discussion or
isolating someone or deliberately ignoring or excluding
them from activities
consistently attacking someone’s professional or personal
setting out to make someone appear incompetent
persistently picking on someone in front of others
deliberate sabotage of work or actions
deliberately withholding information or providing incorrect
overloading with work/reducing deadlines without paying
attention to any protest
displays of offensive material
use of e-mails to reprimand, insult or otherwise inform
someone of their apparent failing, either to the individual or
to third parties
repeatedly shouting or swearing in public or in private
spreading malicious rumours to third parties
public humiliation by constant innuendo, belittling and
‘putting down’
personal insults and name-calling
- aggressive gestures, verbal threats and intimidation
persistent threats about security
making false accusations
aggressive bodily posture or physical contact
talking/shouting directly into someone’s face
direct physical intimidation, violence or assault
Do the tactics in bold remind you of anyone who has been in leadership in the Lutheran Church in Great Britain?