Dear brothers and sister in Christ
“Grace to you and peace. 2We always give thanks to God for all of you and mention you in our prayers, constantly 3remembering before our God and Father your work of faith and labour of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. 4For we know, brothers and sisters beloved by God, that he has chosen you, 5because our message of the gospel came to you not in word only, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction.” (1 Thessalonians 1)
Over the last week I have been thinking and praying about our meeting last week, and the serious issues that are facing St Anne’s and the people that are working so hard to resolve them.
First of all, may I say a huge thank you to all of you for your thoughtful and caring work, and for your faithful service to St Anne’s in its various guises and roles. We all of us are committed to resolving the remaining problems, and to ensuring that the essential work of the Gospel can continue, can grow and develop in this place, and among this community which is dear to us all.
Secondly, speaking as a financial illiterate, it seems to me simplest, wherever possible, to draw a line under what has happened and not to try and disentangle every last strand, and to allocate blame and responsibility for every mistake that has been made. I think that all of us are sorry where we have been careless or wrong – I know that I carry my share of the blame for not ensuring swiftly enough that the governance of SALC/SAMS/SABL was working well, and I apologise to all of you for that.
Obviously the challenges now are to clear up the various governance issues that Tim F has identified, as well as tackling the financial deficit.
I have no desire to interfere where it is not needed, but am very willing to help if it is needed, either with my memory of previous admin, with fundraising, appeals, prayer, or anything else that might be of assistance.
Every blessing to all of you
30 April 2010
Was it to cover up what she had done?
Now the church building is closed. A faithful pastor and his family were left in poverty and deported. Why? What had to be hidden?